Blog 6 Replicated Object

 So, as usual this project gave me so many issues that I pushed through and forgot to document but hopefully I'll be able to cover everything I did in this blog

First I started with some sketching, I ended up doing a lot I wanted to play with how I could incorporate this project into my larger practice and how I could end up with a shape I really liked. I knew I wanted to use text that fit together in an organic way so I focused on finding the content I wanted to work with and how I was going to work that into a vessle. 

In the end I went with one of my first ideas, but it was nice to think through it all and I think I'd like to incorporate the "guard flowers" into this or another project. I decided to go with this design because I wanted a to make a flower vase, but one that had authority. When I think about flowers being given by someone I don't want to be around I think about them as an act of apology or trying to make up for something through materialism. This then translates to me into holding metaphor for fake apologies and trying to make up for actions that can't be undone. This vase feels like a way of saying that I'm allowed to stay angry with folks for as long as I need to and that I shouldn't be expected to forgive just because someone is trying to be nice. I like this idea of giving space to forgive on our own terms and to be alright with not doing so even if the other person is "trying".

But after I had decided on the basics I made a better sketch that I could use in rhino

Once I got it into rhino I traced the lines and adjusted the text until it felt like the words fit together the way I liked.

I then just offset the outer letters and trimmed to give myself an edge that followed the lettering, as I wanted to play with the idea of the vessle forming to the letters instead of the opposite. This, I learned later was very much not the way to go.

After making this outline I wanted the edges of the vase to have a bubbly kind of edge so I figured piping it was the way to go. I quickly found though, that these pipes refused to union with anything. I tried playing with all the settings, changing the scaled of things, cutting of pieces that seemed problematic and it all still didn't work. 

So, I took a break from that and focused on the lettering. I first tried using filletedge but had a ton of issues with things not working the way they should. Again I played with all the settings and decided to try lofting between on offset version of each letter. This also didn't work. 

In the end, I adjusted the problematic points on the letters, and remade a couple of them until they were all working fairly well. I also decided to keep the depth quite shallow because I noticed the filletedge seemed to prefer a smaller radius.

After that, I came back to the edges. I decided to loft the edges of the face to the highest point I wanted on the sides, I made this highest point half the side of the depth of the vase so that it would be fairly circular. And I thought this was going to work. 

Then I put it into render mode and saw this...

So, I redrew the perimeter of the edge to make it simpler, and added additional rails to my loft to make the edges line up more nicely. I played with the loft settings as well and realized that to avoid these strange overhangs it was better to use the rebuild option and keep adding control points until everything was hitting the curves as well as it could (I think I ended up using 500)

Then, after troubleshooting the boolean union by increasing the size of the face slightly, filleting the edges of that face that ended up poking out and fixing the text I had accidentally attached to the wrong side, it all seemed to work out. But as you can see below there was a lot of iterations before I got to that point. 

As a last minute touch I ended up stretching it a bit to make it taller, I ended up really liking the distortion it gave the text as well. 

The one concern I have is one edge on the back as shown below but I'm hoping it won't be an issue

And after all that here's my renders!
