Blog 3 - Stacked Slice Model Progress

 So when I started thinking about this project and how it could fit into my art practice I immediately thought about the work I've been doing with aggression and my previous work with 3d printing earrings. 

I've been working on a body of work about these ideas of self defence and allowing space for anger through aggressive words and sentiments, the primary piece for this body of work (and the only finished piece so far) is this blanket:

Along with this, I've been working on a dress in another class that plays with these ideas and brings them into the context of people-pleasing. One phrase that I've been really wanting to integrate into this body of work has been "fuck off" so I figured this would be a perfect place to use that. 

So, I figured that earrings would be a really interesting and effective addition to the body of work that could work well with the assignment parameters.

This is the quick sketch I did before starting to work on the lettering in rhino. My basic idea was to create the sliced sections with small holes throughout the layers that I would hold together with finishing line, while threading beads between each section to keep the layers separate. This would provide a fairly light piece that also has some ability to move and flex which I think would look really sweet with the sliced sections. I think I'll cut these in wood, I would also like to spray paint them but considering the time constraints of this project I might not do that for this iteration. 

As for scale, I'm a bit torn... I think the earrings will have to be pretty large and likely hit the shoulders, taking away that look of flowyness, so I may choose to make them super oversized and make them into sculptures of earrings rather then actually wearable pieces. But, again for this iteration I think I'll make them as small as I can just to see if I can make them into a wearable pair of earrings and to test how that would look. 

So, I decided to try to get the finicky parts of the modelling out of the way this week so that I can slice them asap and start with the potentially tedious act of attaching the pieces together. 

So I took a picture of my sketch, uploaded it into rhino and used the outlines as a rough model to make the lettering the way that I wanted. I didn't end up using the sketch for the "OFF" part as I could alter my existing letters to make more consistent letters.

I then just cleaned up the letters and made sure that they all worked as closed objects that wouldn't give me trouble when I went to extrude them.

I then went and adjusted the letters further and placed lines where I would like the holes to be placed and adjusted further to make sure they would intersect with the letters in places that would be the most structurally sound.

I then just extruded the letters and added holes where I want them, but I'm still not 100% sure about the scaling so they're still likely to change a bit before I cut the pieces.

