Reverse Engineered Project Final


This project has been a huge challenge for me, it has felt like I've come across problem after problem which has made me so thankful but even more proud of the final product. 

Although simple on the outside the components of this little ladybug were a real challenge to recreate and fit back together. I was really glad to have taken reference photos throughout the process of taking my original toy apart as it gave me a lot of clues when it came to bringing the pieces all together at the end. 


One of my big goals in this project was to better understand how the mechanics of a windup toy work and how I might be able to use 3d modeling programs to create objects/parts that can move and be useful in my art practice when it comes to mechanical art pieces. I feel like going through this process has definitely strengthened by understanding of these processes and I'm really thankful I chose to do this toy for that reason!

When it came to the rendering I decided to keep it simple but colourful. I chose the yellow background because I thought it made the blue on the toy really pop and was a colour far enough away from the white components that you'd be able to see them well. I wanted to give the feeling of a fun commercial showing off all the details that this project entailed. 

